The argument is usually set up with the words "Either" and "Or" so that you cannot give another answer even if it is logical.
One example of this faulty logic is found in use by the Pharisees as they try to trap Jesus .
"Who sinned, this man or his parents, that he should be born blind?" The Pharisees only offer two choices - the man sinned or the parents sinned. Neither option is true. There is a third option. Jesus points out the third alternative which deals with God's holy purposes.
"Neither this man nor his parents, but it was in order, that the works of God might be displayed in him."
The illogical argument is: "Everything happens either by determinism or by free will. If all is derermined, we are wrong to talk about free choices (to sin, to accept Jesus...). If there is free will, we are wrong to say that God is in control of all things. Therefore, either we are wrong about free will or we are wrong about God's control."
These two (determinism and free will) are not necessarily contradictory; it is possible that both are true. This argument is set up to make you believe that you can only have one or the other be true. But...
God determined that choices will be freely made. God uses free will as a means to do what has been determined. God is able and will to do this. This does not inhibit man's freedom either experientially or really (no coercion or force). There is no opposition between the two. God has made it so that we have both free will and determinism.
Keep pondering this so that... the next time your mind recalls this false thinking you can replace it with logic and say, "God is so powerful and wise that he made it possible for people to have free will and he is able to use free will to accomplish his determined purposes. Praise Him! Human freedoms are not inhibited by our good God and He is so powerful as to use free will as a means to do what he has determined! Wow! I can remember this and tell others that there is no oppostition between free will and determinism! God has made it possible that both are true and logica togetherl, they do not oppose each other!"