Hugh Ross, in his book, "Hidden Treasures in the Book of Job" gathered a collection of the most recent astronomical discoveries about the fine-tuning needed and done to generate life and sustain it in our universe. He then compared that list of recent discoveries in the field with the list of scientific and creation facts revealed in the Book of Job. This is what he said about the comparison and the conclusions he then drew.
"The list almost entireley overlapped...How can this overlap be explained? One explanation is that four thousand years ago God anticipated and prepared for three significant developments: (1) movement of most of the world's population to cities, away from meaningul contact with nature; (2) a degree of research specialization that imparis recognition of the full extent of God's handiwork in nature; and (3) spiritual blindness and confusion that requires stunning new revelations and reminders of God's existence and calls to worship him alone."
Think about this for a minute...God in his all-knowing goodness said something like this to himself..." Ok, people are going to start looking at technology and not at my educational nature, they are going to move away from the beautiful natural countryside I made to help them draw near to me and move closer to the city for work etc and spiritual times are going to be harder as the enemy tries to lure them away with more and more distractions, so I have arranged for the astronomers to be making new discoveries about the universe in rapid succession to tell the people in the cities about me as the Creator." Our beloved God is so carefully watching over our technological society advancing so rapidly that He is making sure that we still have avenues to hear about his great love, great power and sovereignty. I needed my worldview expanded in this area. I think I had begun to exclude God from the realm of a highly technological society, thinking that only the people were in control. So this is a good wake up call to correct that wrong thinking, God is sovereign in country and in the city, over old fashioned lives and highly advanced scientific and technological arenas as well. How does this view of God's watching over our world and society in this way impact you today? What will you take away with you as a comfort or wake-up call?
"The list almost entireley overlapped...How can this overlap be explained? One explanation is that four thousand years ago God anticipated and prepared for three significant developments: (1) movement of most of the world's population to cities, away from meaningul contact with nature; (2) a degree of research specialization that imparis recognition of the full extent of God's handiwork in nature; and (3) spiritual blindness and confusion that requires stunning new revelations and reminders of God's existence and calls to worship him alone."
Think about this for a minute...God in his all-knowing goodness said something like this to himself..." Ok, people are going to start looking at technology and not at my educational nature, they are going to move away from the beautiful natural countryside I made to help them draw near to me and move closer to the city for work etc and spiritual times are going to be harder as the enemy tries to lure them away with more and more distractions, so I have arranged for the astronomers to be making new discoveries about the universe in rapid succession to tell the people in the cities about me as the Creator." Our beloved God is so carefully watching over our technological society advancing so rapidly that He is making sure that we still have avenues to hear about his great love, great power and sovereignty. I needed my worldview expanded in this area. I think I had begun to exclude God from the realm of a highly technological society, thinking that only the people were in control. So this is a good wake up call to correct that wrong thinking, God is sovereign in country and in the city, over old fashioned lives and highly advanced scientific and technological arenas as well. How does this view of God's watching over our world and society in this way impact you today? What will you take away with you as a comfort or wake-up call?