Charles Finney, in his book, "Revival of Religions" addresses the subject of what he believes "prevailing prayer" to be.
It is not offering up benevolent desires to God. These are acceptable but do not include the exercise of faith in regard to actual reception of these blessings.
Faith that ensures the blessing asked for.
In the prayer of faith (prevailing prayer) we know He is (exists) and is rewarder of diligent seekers. Some people may believe He exists, but do not believe He rewards those who seek him through prayer.
We believe He gives what we ask, not a stone instead of bread, this is not in line with his loving and logical/reasonable character.
When are we (Christians) bound to make this "Prayer of Faith"? WHEN WE HAVE EVIDENCE OF RECEIVING WHAT WE PRAY FOR.
FAITH MUST ALWAYS HAVE EVIDENCE. A man cannot believe a thing unless he sees something which he supposes to be evidence.
1.Where God especially promised a thing in the Bible.
- God says He is more ready to give the Holy Spirit to them that ask Him, than parents are ready to give brad to theri children. Here we are bound to beleve that we shall receive it when we pray it. There is evidence that God will give it if it is asked for. It is a reasonable and logical conclusion, because it is clearly spelled out by God Himself. We have no right to add on "If it is your will" in the prayer because He has already told us it is in His will, it is a "for sure". We can bank on it. Do not add doubt to such a request, do not insult God by not believing His promise, His word to you. Do not treat him as if he were a human being able to lie and able to waver on his promises.
2. Where there is a general promise in the scripture that is reasonable to apply to the particular case before you. If its real meaning includes the particular thing for which you pray or if you can reasonably apply the principle of the promise to your case, there you have evidence.
What do you think about that- God and the Realm of Faith having spiritual evidence based on spiritual truths for asking and expecting answers by using reason. God has not left the brain outside of faith, we are too use our brains in the life
It is not offering up benevolent desires to God. These are acceptable but do not include the exercise of faith in regard to actual reception of these blessings.
Faith that ensures the blessing asked for.
In the prayer of faith (prevailing prayer) we know He is (exists) and is rewarder of diligent seekers. Some people may believe He exists, but do not believe He rewards those who seek him through prayer.
We believe He gives what we ask, not a stone instead of bread, this is not in line with his loving and logical/reasonable character.
When are we (Christians) bound to make this "Prayer of Faith"? WHEN WE HAVE EVIDENCE OF RECEIVING WHAT WE PRAY FOR.
FAITH MUST ALWAYS HAVE EVIDENCE. A man cannot believe a thing unless he sees something which he supposes to be evidence.
1.Where God especially promised a thing in the Bible.
- God says He is more ready to give the Holy Spirit to them that ask Him, than parents are ready to give brad to theri children. Here we are bound to beleve that we shall receive it when we pray it. There is evidence that God will give it if it is asked for. It is a reasonable and logical conclusion, because it is clearly spelled out by God Himself. We have no right to add on "If it is your will" in the prayer because He has already told us it is in His will, it is a "for sure". We can bank on it. Do not add doubt to such a request, do not insult God by not believing His promise, His word to you. Do not treat him as if he were a human being able to lie and able to waver on his promises.
2. Where there is a general promise in the scripture that is reasonable to apply to the particular case before you. If its real meaning includes the particular thing for which you pray or if you can reasonably apply the principle of the promise to your case, there you have evidence.
What do you think about that- God and the Realm of Faith having spiritual evidence based on spiritual truths for asking and expecting answers by using reason. God has not left the brain outside of faith, we are too use our brains in the life