I was so filled with hope and felt like a dark spot in my heart or my thinking had the light turned on when I read about salvation coming to some people in Hollywood California! I don't know of any Christians in Hollywood and so I think my tired brain begins to lose hope that God could get his message of love and truth into a town so enamored with producing entertainment. However, in reading Paul Eshleman's book about the producing of the Jesus Film, I am so delighted to say that God has shown his power to change human hearts even in Hollywood!
As the book, "I Just Saw Jesus" spells out the turning around of a producers heart when he works on making the Jesus Film. God first got his heart prepared through the endless dealing with meetings, deadlines, back-breaking work on budgets and placating or pampering spioled actors and actresses. Praise God that he can use the daily grind of Hollywood movie productions to bring people to search for something more even when surrounded by glamour, riches, fashion and fame. Praise God this producer, John, wanted more than what Hollywood had to offer out of life. Praise God for his Jewish upbringing which had planted a seed in his mind that the answer he might be seeking was possibly in the Bible. He began reading, searching for the answers to the desires within. He first had his eyes opened to the fact that the Bible had the foundation to much of our society: the law, health, education and justice were all spelled out here! He then had a desire to film the book of Genesis. Then he had a bigger vision, to film the whole Bible. When contemplating how to find funding for such a project he found himself speaking with Campus Crusade for Christ with all of its church connections across the nation. In this meeting he asked Paul Eshleman how he had become a Christian and why he did it. Paul told him. They worked extremely hard on producing this movie and John continued on the path of exploring faith in Jesus and asking questions until he made his decision to follow Christ himself. Hallelujah! Thank you Lord for using a movie
As the book, "I Just Saw Jesus" spells out the turning around of a producers heart when he works on making the Jesus Film. God first got his heart prepared through the endless dealing with meetings, deadlines, back-breaking work on budgets and placating or pampering spioled actors and actresses. Praise God that he can use the daily grind of Hollywood movie productions to bring people to search for something more even when surrounded by glamour, riches, fashion and fame. Praise God this producer, John, wanted more than what Hollywood had to offer out of life. Praise God for his Jewish upbringing which had planted a seed in his mind that the answer he might be seeking was possibly in the Bible. He began reading, searching for the answers to the desires within. He first had his eyes opened to the fact that the Bible had the foundation to much of our society: the law, health, education and justice were all spelled out here! He then had a desire to film the book of Genesis. Then he had a bigger vision, to film the whole Bible. When contemplating how to find funding for such a project he found himself speaking with Campus Crusade for Christ with all of its church connections across the nation. In this meeting he asked Paul Eshleman how he had become a Christian and why he did it. Paul told him. They worked extremely hard on producing this movie and John continued on the path of exploring faith in Jesus and asking questions until he made his decision to follow Christ himself. Hallelujah! Thank you Lord for using a movie