Hurricanes serve a number of beneficial purposes. They substantially increase chlorophyll concentrations and so bring nourishment to many species. Their powerful winds lift huge quantities of sea salt aerosols from the oceans which play a critical role in forming raindrops. The clouds formed by these lifted aerosols scatter radiation from the sun. In this way they act as a global thermostat and cool down tropical oceans which are beginning to heat up too much.
Ponder that for a moment, if you will, hurricanes serve a positive purpose which most of us never hear about! Hurricanes seem random and purely harmful, but here we have some scientific proof of how they benefit humans in the areas of food production and comfort!
Given the laws of physics by which our universe was shaped, the absence of these hurricanes would result in less rainfall or less evenly distributed rainfall for humanity somewhere or more extreme day-to-night temperature differences for humanity. So hurricanes are helping farmers and drought sufferers somewhere and easing the hardships of the homeless who have no shelter in the night by their existence. What a delight to find such good things in such dangerous looking packages!
Information from "Why the Universe is the Way it Is" by Hugh Ross
Ponder that for a moment, if you will, hurricanes serve a positive purpose which most of us never hear about! Hurricanes seem random and purely harmful, but here we have some scientific proof of how they benefit humans in the areas of food production and comfort!
Given the laws of physics by which our universe was shaped, the absence of these hurricanes would result in less rainfall or less evenly distributed rainfall for humanity somewhere or more extreme day-to-night temperature differences for humanity. So hurricanes are helping farmers and drought sufferers somewhere and easing the hardships of the homeless who have no shelter in the night by their existence. What a delight to find such good things in such dangerous looking packages!
Information from "Why the Universe is the Way it Is" by Hugh Ross