In our study of logic in the book "Come Let Us Reason" we come across faulty logic that is used against the Bible today. This faulty logic is the use of a cliche, which sometimes fit, but tend to overgeneralize and often contradict each other. When someone tells you that the Bible was written by humans and so it must have mistakes in it they are using a faulty logic. They are believing that "The Bible must err, because 'to err is human' and the Bible was written by humans." The wrong logic is found twice. One failure in the cliche 'to err is human' is that it means humans have the tendency to err, but it does not mean that humans err 100% of the time. So the Bible could be written during the times that no errors were made.
The other false use of this cliche is that it was not only humans who were involved in writing the Bible. The Holy Spirit was also involved in supervising and inspiring the writing of the Bible for His holy purposes in humanity. So the logic is false because it does not tell the whole truth about the authors of the Bible.
So the next time someone tells you that they have a scientific or accurate argument about why they do not trust or believe the Bible you can tell them that this argument is not scientific or accurate and why. But be sure to tell them in love so you can talk to them about that Holy Spirit's work in your own life and plant a seed of spiritual truth in their heart.
It may not be another person who brings this argument up to you, it may in fact be your own thoughts which have been trained with faulty arguments from our culture. So you can also use these facts of logic to dismantle this falsehood about the Bible in your own worldview.
We can correct this cliche and have more truth in our thinking about the Bible. We can say, "The Bible does not have errors in it just because it was written by humans who tend to err. The Holy Spirit was inspiring and working with the humans to write the Bible and so I can trust and believe it to be error-free. I am thankful that humans do not err 100% of the time." May we be enabled to stick to the facts and avoid cliches that are illogical and untruthful. Amen.
The other false use of this cliche is that it was not only humans who were involved in writing the Bible. The Holy Spirit was also involved in supervising and inspiring the writing of the Bible for His holy purposes in humanity. So the logic is false because it does not tell the whole truth about the authors of the Bible.
So the next time someone tells you that they have a scientific or accurate argument about why they do not trust or believe the Bible you can tell them that this argument is not scientific or accurate and why. But be sure to tell them in love so you can talk to them about that Holy Spirit's work in your own life and plant a seed of spiritual truth in their heart.
It may not be another person who brings this argument up to you, it may in fact be your own thoughts which have been trained with faulty arguments from our culture. So you can also use these facts of logic to dismantle this falsehood about the Bible in your own worldview.
We can correct this cliche and have more truth in our thinking about the Bible. We can say, "The Bible does not have errors in it just because it was written by humans who tend to err. The Holy Spirit was inspiring and working with the humans to write the Bible and so I can trust and believe it to be error-free. I am thankful that humans do not err 100% of the time." May we be enabled to stick to the facts and avoid cliches that are illogical and untruthful. Amen.