Responding as a congregation to COVID-19

At the core of our faith is the belief that God can work mighty acts; God can raise the dead, heal the sick, and change lives. This means that when we face real and legitimate threats, our responsibility is not to dwell in fear and terror, but in light of the Knowledge of God. This doesn’t mean that Christians don’t get sick, or that there aren’t wise precautions that should be in place to guard against unnecessary suffering, but rather to say that above it all is the Risen Lord.
As you likely know, COVID-19 (Known as Coronavirus) has been particularly prevalent in King County. New reports of infection are coming out regularly, it is a world-wide emergency that has been deeply felt in our own region. We want to take appropriate measures and concerns. If you are ill, please stay home. Staying home gives your body a chance to rest and recuperate, which is best for you, and shows love to the vulnerable among us by not exposing them to germs. We are working on a streaming set-up and will send the appropriate link when it is ready. The sermon audio will also be posted on the FTPC website during the week (typically Wednesday).
We intend to have service at the regularly scheduled times. As of now, we have not had any covenant partner positively identified as having had the virus. In the event that we do, Session will respond appropriately.
Please continue to pray for our community, both for health and that the Glory of God might be shown.
Thank you,
Pastor Aaron
As you likely know, COVID-19 (Known as Coronavirus) has been particularly prevalent in King County. New reports of infection are coming out regularly, it is a world-wide emergency that has been deeply felt in our own region. We want to take appropriate measures and concerns. If you are ill, please stay home. Staying home gives your body a chance to rest and recuperate, which is best for you, and shows love to the vulnerable among us by not exposing them to germs. We are working on a streaming set-up and will send the appropriate link when it is ready. The sermon audio will also be posted on the FTPC website during the week (typically Wednesday).
We intend to have service at the regularly scheduled times. As of now, we have not had any covenant partner positively identified as having had the virus. In the event that we do, Session will respond appropriately.
Please continue to pray for our community, both for health and that the Glory of God might be shown.
Thank you,
Pastor Aaron